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Archives: Events

Vergangene Veranstaltungen

The Dolls (transfemme meetup)

Casa Kuà Naunynstrasse 72, Berlin

Weekly meetup open for transfeminine people. Once a month it is BIPOC only. No registration needed.

NADA Acupuncture (BIPOC only)

Casa Kuà Naunynstrasse 72, Berlin

For cutie BIPOC * Queer, Trans* and Inter Black, Indigenous and People of Color. EN: The NADA protocol is the standardized acupuncture of 5 ear points in a special setting […]


NADA Acupuncture (for BIPOC Queers and white TIN* people)

Casa Kuà Naunynstrasse 72, Berlin

*For queer Black, Indigenous, People of Color and white Trans, Inter and Nonbinary Folks. EN: The NADA protocol is the standardized acupuncture of 5 ear points in a special setting […]
