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Traditional Chinese,

Daoistische Medizin



Tzoa (he/ta)
trans* masc gender-dissident of colour

Die Geschichteder Chinesischen Medizin reicht mehr als 5000 Jahre zurück. over 5000 years. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), health is about the ability to keep one’s inner harmony balanced. This itself is dependent on the smooth flow of Qi, the source of all energies. Qi flows in our meridians and connects the organs and functional spheres of the body.

Ganzheitlich bedeutet für mich, die Anerkennung der Komplexität jedes einzelnen Menschens, mit einer eigenen Lebensgeschichte, Erfahrungen, Emotionen und Macken.
Additionally, comes the recognition that societal circumstances, discriminations and daily micro-aggressions can disturb our inner balance and affect our well-being and health. Because of this, the body, the mind, and the individuals themselves cannot be separated from either their environment or from society, and need to be seen as a whole.

My desire is to move beyond merely recognizing symptoms and naming diseases, to see the whole individual and the interrelation and connections of different factors that influence the state of well-being. Wieder verwurzeln, was die Wurzel verloren hat, um eins zu sein mit sich.

I create a space where I aim to support people to explore what they would like to change – for example, habits, ailments, or their well being. Together we can find the most suitable methods.


I am mainly working with

Tuina – Chinese therapeutic massage
Acupressure – especially for people that are scared of needles
Dietetics – as in way of life, not as in dieting
Fire Healing


Scar treatments – for example after top-surgeries or other injuries/surgeries.
Acupuncture to support you in the process if you want to quit smoking
NADA ear acupuncture


For questions, more information and/or to make an appointment,
0157 3670 3519 (telegram only)



To not separate what cannot be separated,
und zu teilen, was sich zu teilen lohnt,
weil alles was wir teilen sich verdoppelt,
das ist wahres Wachstum.