Trans. Lab is a monthly collective research space in Casa Kuà for people who identifies as trans* and have bodily experiences with gender-affirming treatment (medical or surgical; DIY or conventional; […]
Trans. Lab is a monthly collective research space in Casa Kuà for people who identifies as trans* and have bodily experiences with gender-affirming treatment (medical or surgical; DIY or conventional; […]
Next Meeting: 20. Nov. 18-21:00 at Casa Kuà (Naunynstr.72) Theme: Grudges For writers who are both trans and BIPOC seeking a safe space to share work, write together, and discuss […]
*For queer Black, Indigenous, People of Color and white Trans, Inter and Nonbinary Folks. EN: The NADA protocol is the standardized acupuncture of 5 ear points in a special setting […]