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Archives: Events

Trans* Inter* Queer Asian Meetup

We are happy to announce our first Casa Kuà Trans*, Inter*, non-binary & Queer Asian Meetup on the 5th of June at 17:00. Depending on regulations and weather the meetup […]

Territorios ruidosos – Diasporic identities blooming in the territory of travel

  (scroll down for EN, DE weiter unten)   Territorios ruidosos Identidades diaspóricas floreciendo en el territorio del viaje. Elo Wewentxu Artista Mapuche, originarix de Wallmapu, instaladx en Berlin. Su primer contacto con un violin fue a los 9 años y desde ahí empezó su historia con el arte y la música. Trabaja como performer, […]

Queer Empowerment days: countryside Movement & Rest: Retreat days for QTIBIPOC

(DE weiter unten) This space is a dedicated space for people who identify as: Queer/Inter*/Trans or non Binary AND Black/Indigineous or People of Color.We  want to create a space that centers connection, rest and empowerment, in the outskirts of city life.  During this time away we would like to co-create a space of uniqueness and […]

The concept of many hands – touch, consent, no and yes and everything in between

(DE weiter unten) "The concept of many hands - touch, consent, no and yes and everything in between" How does it go again with touch and being close? Do you remember? In this workshop we will approach physical closeness and touch together. We will go into contact and out of contact together. Practice saying no, […]

Me, my bits and I or the purring pelvis

(DE weiter unten)   Me, my bits and I or the purring pelvis In this Workshop you are connecting with your center of gravity, the grounding pelvis with all the fascinating structures that are your genitals. You are exploring and sitting with your body. No expectation, no pressure, you decide where your journey goes, giving […]

Collage of (Plant)-Knowledges Workshop

(DE weiter unten) Collage of (Plant)-Knowledges Workshop Hi! i am Chepita (she/they). A queer herbalist from Abya Yala and part of Casa Kuà. On the 31st of July from 12-15h i will be offering a Plant-workshop. The aim is to have a collective approach to knowledges that we have received about certain plants and to recover […]


(DE) weiter unten We are happy to announce our small birthday celebration on SATURDAY 02.10   11:00-17:00 different workshops at CASA KUA (check the program below)   starting @ 16:00 drinks and cakes around the corner in OYA (Mariannenstr 6), our favourite collective bar. please bring cakes, the money will go to fund surgeries.   […]



From MIND FULL to MINDFUL? - mindfulness 8-week (MBSR*) program for trans, inter and/or queer BIPOC In today's world of ever evolving technology and digital progress, consumed by endless distractions we lead busy lifestyles, juggling between our work, family and social commitments. It's like you've got a lot of different thoughts happening all at the […]


Counselling to apply for the emergency aid fund for people who experienced hate violence

***english below*** Beratung zum Soforthilfefonds für Betroffene von Hassgewalt 15.11./29.11.2021 14-18h Hast du Gewalt/Bedrohung erlebt, weil du Schwarz, of Color und/oder queer, trans*, inter*, nicht-binär bist? Sind dadurch Kosten entstanden? Möchtest du eine psychologische Betreuung oder medizinische Behandlung in Anspruch nehmen um das erlebte zu verarbeiten? Der Soforthilfefonds unterstützt dich dabei finanziell. Am 15.11. und […]

DIY-Insemination Workshop

(DE weiter unten) DIY-Insemination Workshop: 18. November 2021 from 17-19:30 in: Casa Kuà With Cocoon - Queerfeminist Midwifery*Collective Berlin. DIY Insemination is a way for people to get pregnant. In this seminar we want to share information about different methods of DIY Insemination with you, as well as our expereinces and insights. This course is […]